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Learn Together,
Learn Together,
Grow Together
Grow Together
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Future of Education shifts To Conscious Learning

Future of Education shifts To Conscious Learning

Content is not learning. Knowing is not learning. Passing an exam is not an absolute indicator of learning. However, learning is what shifts our beliefs and actions. Learning is about construction of knowledge that is within. It is a practice of reflection, action and silence. Learning is a lifelong pursuit, learning to be, learn, do and live together.
Content is not learning. Knowing is not learning. Passing an exam is not an absolute indicator of learning. However, learning is what shifts our beliefs and actions. Learning is about construction of knowledge that is within. It is a practice of reflection, action and silence. Learning is a lifelong pursuit, learning to be, learn, do and live together.

Transforming Education Top Down and Bottom Up

Transforming Education Top Down and Bottom Up

The role of every educator is changing – From content delivery to enabling the construction of knowledge that is within the learner. CE has been facilitating the personal and professional development of heads of schools, teachers, educators, parents as well as youth.
Our not-for-profit work is focused on the public education system, community teachers as well as youth. Our work is a mix of structured programs in collaboration with government education systems as well as volunteer-led community programs.

The role of every educator is changing – From content delivery to enabling the construction of knowledge that is within the learner. CE has been facilitating the personal and professional development of heads of schools, teachers, educators, parents as well as youth.
Our not-for-profit work is focused on the public education system, community teachers as well as youth. Our work is a mix of structured programs in collaboration with government education systems as well as volunteer-led community programs.


School System

Our school systems program or principal program is run for all government schools of Delhi Directorate of Education i.e.the department under the education ministry of Delhi Government that manages the city’s public school system. Cluster leadership development program in collaboration with SCERT (State Council of Educational Research and Training, Delhi) enables the development of the leadership competencies of the Principal/ Heads of Schools and development of facilitators within the system.


Teacher Leadership

The Teacher Leader Program was initiated with a vision to build a community of awakened educators and learners. Through a framework of enabling growth in awareness and building competencies required for the 21st century educator.


Youth Leadership

The youth leader program empowers the youth to build meta-skills of learning (to learn). That enables them to navigate through and thrive in the 21st century as a leader.


School System

Our school systems program or principal program is run for all government schools of Delhi Directorate of Education i.e.the department under the education ministry of Delhi Government that manages the city’s public school system. Cluster leadership development program in collaboration with SCERT (State Council of Educational Research and Training, Delhi) enables the development of the leadership competencies of the Principal/ Heads of Schools and development of facilitators within the system.


Teacher Leadership

The Teacher Leader Program was initiated with a vision to build a community of awakened educators and learners. Through a framework of enabling growth in awareness and building competencies required for the 21st century educator.


Youth Leadership

The youth leader program empowers the youth to build meta-skills of learning (to learn). That enables them to navigate through and thrive in the 21st century as a leader.

The Creatnet Education

We Believe

The Creatnet Way

We Believe

The Creatnet way has emerged through a continuous, conscious practice of enabling learning for leaders in business and education. It integrates leadership and learning – inside and outside. It is a journey experienced as a progressive growth in creation, connection, and self-awareness. It operates at the level of individual, collective, and systems. There are four interrelated elements in the Creatnet way:

The Creatnet way has emerged through a continuous, conscious practice of enabling learning for leaders in business and education. It integrates leadership and learning – inside and outside. It is a journey experienced as a progressive growth in creation, connection, and self-awareness. It operates at the level of individual, collective, and systems. There are four interrelated elements in the Creatnet way:

Meta Framework

Meta Framework

The Meta Frameworks enable thinking about thinking. Through a portal of questions that offers an inquiry. One creates knowledge by inquiring in context and making connections. The Meta-Frameworks adapt to one’s context, draw out multiple perspectives and provide a wider dimension.

Group Learning

Group learning

All programs and sessions are designed to be facilitated in small groups. Although frameworks allow deep inquiry, sharing what emerged for each participant empowers the learning of others. Participants can listen to each other, experience different perspectives, and learn from a context that is not their own.



Our facilitators are practitioners who practice what they enable. They hold a space for inquiry and enable practice for others using the frameworks. Facilitators enable the practice of learning within a group, empowering each individual to connect with themselves and construct the knowledge they need.

Krya - Digital Platform

Krya - Digital Platform

A key aspect of learning programs is their integration with technology that enhances and enables learning - for both self and team. Krya is an online portal for leading, learning as well as growing in awareness and impact. It enables the practice of learning through objectives, actions & reflection.

Meta Framework

The Meta Frameworks enable thinking about thinking. Through a portal of questions that offers an inquiry. One creates knowledge by inquiring in context and making connections. The Meta-Frameworks adapt to one’s context, draw out multiple perspectives and provide a wider dimension.

Group Learning

All programs and sessions are designed to be facilitated in small groups. Although frameworks allow deep inquiry, sharing what emerged for each participant empowers the learning of others. Participants can listen to each other, experience different perspectives, and learn from a context that is not their own.


Our facilitators are practitioners who practice what they enable. They hold a space for inquiry and enable practice for others using the frameworks. Facilitators enable the practice of learning within a group, empowering each individual to connect with themselves and construct the knowledge they need.

Krya - Digital Platform

A key aspect of learning programs is their integration with technology that enhances and enables learning – for both self and team. Krya is an online portal for leading, learning as well as growing in awareness and impact. It enables the practice of learning through objectives, actions & reflection.

Our Ideas

Our Ideas

Future of Learning integrates the Inner and Outer

Future of Learning integrates the Inner and Outer

Learn to BE, Learn to LEARN, Learn to Do, Learn to Live and work together. The future requires individuals to be internally anchored and externally open – with deep learning skills – transferable and real world to grow and navigate in a world where half of tomorrow’s jobs don’t yet exist.

Learn to BE, Learn to LEARN, Learn to Do, Learn to Live and work together. The future requires individuals to be internally anchored and externally open – with deep learning skills – transferable and real world to grow and navigate in a world where half of tomorrow’s jobs don’t yet exist.



SharEd is a pan India platform enabling learning on innovative educational practices. Educators who are practitioners are invited to share, inspire and enable reflection for bringing back responsibility and ideas to practice.

SharEd is a pan India platform enabling learning on innovative educational practices. Educators who are practitioners are invited to share, inspire and enable reflection for bringing back responsibility and ideas to practice.

Education : It’s True Purpose

Self-driven learning becomes alive when we believe in the infinite potential of ourselves and that of others, to provide nurturance to enable a construction of knowledge – which is already within. “The first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught and the second, that, the mind has to be consulted in its own growth”, as shared by Sri Aurobindo in his synthesis of integral education. Formal education systems tend to emphasize the acquisition of knowledge to the detriment of other types of learning. In self-driven learning, it is he himself who must be induced to expand in accordance with his own nature.

School as a Learning Organisation

The expansion of awareness in leadership within organizations directly influences the development of organizations. This expands from the level of an individual to groups and systems and is visible in the relationships and behavior. This can be enabled by facilitated group learning by continuous conscious practice of reflection, action and silence.

Impact of CLDP: Report by CORD (Collaborative Research & Dissemination)
Creatnet Education runs a leadership program for the Principals of schools that are run by the Department of Education, Delhi Administration. The program – Cluster Leadership Development Program (CLDP) – is about developing “leadership from within” through a cluster of 10-12 Principals getting together on a regular basis.

Humans of Creatnet Education

Phenomenon of Distributed Leadership

Humans of Creatnet Education

Phenomenon of Distributed Leadership

Meet our community of facilitators, who are self-led volunteers catalysing learning for themselves and their communities. It is through their (own) leadership and practice of learning(reflection, action and silence) they are creating a movement of learning communities across India.

Meet our community of facilitators, who are self-led volunteers catalysing learning for themselves and their communities. It is through their (own) leadership and practice of learning(reflection, action and silence) they are creating a movement of learning communities across India.

Become a Part of the Learning Movement

Become a Part of the Learning Movement